Sunday 3 July 2011

Many might say,Emmanuel,you are still a young guy who knows little about marriage and the child bearing aspect.But these are not criterias for judging. Our parents have complained of our generation as being corrupt.Even a noble winner termed the generation a wasted one.Would this trend be continued or corrected,neglected or surmounted.can our children even if they have not arrived;be assured that their parents are laying strong foundations morally,academically,religiously,socially,etc. some steps can be taken to reverse this ugly trend from eating deep and destroying destinies.STEP 1-Use the disciplinarian method which forbids your children from crossing lines you have laid down in their interest. STEP 2- They must be spiritual to avoid being lured into temptation. STEP 3- Moral brushing and sweeping of the family. STEP 4- This is d most important (the fear of GOD). Can i hear you say my children will do it differently.

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